what do women deal with when they have to much testerone

Medically reviewed by Rosanna Sutherby, PharmD on March 12, 2020. Written by Libby Pellegrini. To give you technically accurate, bear witness-based information, content published on the Everlywell blog is reviewed by credentialed professionals with expertise in medical and bioscience fields.

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Female testosterone levels | Testosterone in women: what information technology does | Symptoms of low testosterone in women | Hypoactive sexual desire disorder and low testosterone in women | What causes lower testosterone in females? | Symptoms of high testosterone in women | What causes high female testosterone levels? | How to lower testosterone in women | Conclusion

It'south possible for a woman's testosterone production to exist too high or too depression. And considering testosterone is a key hormone in the trunk—in women and men alike—a testosterone imbalance can have quite an impact on your health and well-existence.

So continue reading to learn more about unhealthy levels of testosterone in women—including causes and symptoms. You'll also acquire about natural remedies that may assistance lower high testosterone levels in females to help get your trunk's hormone residue dorsum on track. (And don't forget: you lot can cheque your testosterone from the condolement of dwelling house with the Everlywell testosterone level examination.)


Female testosterone levels

Practise women have testosterone? The answer is "yes." Though testosterone is frequently thought of as a "male hormone," it's actually vital to women likewise: normal testosterone levels in women are important for maintaining overall health and well-existence. (Related: Depression testosterone in men)

In fact, women commonly have higher testosterone levels than estradiol levels. (Estradiol is the body's main form of estrogen, which is commonly viewed as a "female hormone.")

Testosterone in women: what it does

In women, testosterone is produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. This hormone helps the body with a number of unlike functions. For case, normal testosterone levels in women help regulate mood and supports the health of female reproductive tissue and bones. Because of this, symptoms can arise if there's a testosterone imbalance and levels get besides high or likewise low.

Here are a few key roles testosterone tin play in a woman'south health:

  • Maintenance and growth of bones
  • Increases muscle mass
  • Decreases body fat (in post-menopausal women)
  • Supports a healthy libido or sexual activity bulldoze
  • May help subtract vaginal atrophy (which occurs most often in post-menopausal women)
  • May help support cardiovascular health

So as yous can see, normal testosterone production in females tin have many benign effects. But too much or too little of this hormone can have less-than-positive furnishings on the body.

Let'south commencement by discussing depression testosterone symptoms.

Symptoms of depression testosterone in women

What are some low testosterone symptoms in women? Low libido, weight proceeds, and changes in mood are all common signs of low testosterone levels. Low testosterone over a long period of time may also contribute to more serious issues similar heart illness, poor retentivity, and loss of bone density.

Other common signs of low T?

  • Your pilus may begin to thin
  • Your peel may become drier
  • Your sex drive may exist dampened (one reason why some women with depression testosterone choose to undergo testosterone therapy)
  • You might lose muscle mass
  • An increase in torso fat, as well as mood changes (including greater anxiety), can likewise stem from lower-than-healthy testosterone levels
  • Sexual dysfunction, bone loss, and overall loss of strength are some other possible low T symptoms

Hypoactive sexual want disorder and depression testosterone in women

Because testosterone plays a office in libido, women with lower-than-normal levels of testosterone can experience hypoactive sexual desire disorder—or HSDD.

HSDD is considered the about widespread sexual health problem among women, and estimates suggest it occurs in eight% to xix% of women. Information technology'south marked by fewer (if whatever) sexual fantasies and a lack of interest in sex—along with a lot of personal distress, frustration, sadness, and decreased cocky-confidence and self-worth. Depression and fatigue often occur with HSDD.

Researchers take yet to pin down the exact causes of HSDD. The extent to which testosterone levels contribute to HSDD is besides not well-understood. Low testosterone levels are, withal, linked with less sexual desire, and testosterone hormone therapy can boost sexual desire in both pre-menopausal and postal service-menopausal women. But there isn't an exact T level (whether it's total testosterone or gratis testosterone) that can exist used to diagnose HSDD.

What causes lower testosterone in females?

What'south behind depression testosterone levels in women? Here are a few possible causes:

  • Long-term utilize of diverse methods of birth control—such every bit oral nascence command pills and contraceptive patches
  • Ovarian failure—where your ovaries terminate operation correctly—can lead to low testosterone levels. Possible causes of ovarian failure include chemotherapy, radiation handling, and eating disorders, simply the nigh common crusade of ovarian failure is menopause—which happens to every woman equally she ages. Thus, a menopausal woman may develop an imbalance in testosterone levels.
  • Using certain medication—such as anti-hypertensives and opiates
  • Tumors on diverse glands in the torso—such as the pituitary gland—can also crusade a hormone imbalance like low T levels in women

Symptoms of high testosterone in women

Signs of high testosterone levels in women can include:

  • Excess acne
  • Abnormal hair growth throughout your body (such every bit on your chest)
  • Male person pattern baldness
  • A deeper voice
  • An enlarged clitoris and smaller breast size
  • Menstrual irregularities are another sign of high levels of testosterone
  • And if you put on pounds super easily, you might desire to get your testosterone levels checked: elevated testosterone contributes to weight gain

High female testosterone levels are also linked with an increased adventure of obesity and infertility. Post-menopausal women with elevated testosterone may be more likely to feel insulin resistance, which can make diabetes more likely. If yous have high levels of testosterone, speak with your healthcare provider to learn about hormone imbalance treatment options. In some cases, hormone therapy or medication tin help get levels back to a balanced state.

What causes loftier female person testosterone levels?

  • Ever come across the acronym "PCOS"? Information technology stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and it's a hormonal disorder that can fill your blood with besides much testosterone.
  • Steroid use and abuse can hike up your testosterone levels and hormone levels of other androgens (testosterone belongs to a category of hormones known every bit androgens).
  • Adrenal disorders (like built adrenal hyperplasia) can too exist at mistake for high T levels. These disorders are genetic and oftentimes found at nascence or during puberty.

How to lower testosterone in women

What lowers testosterone in women? If you're looking for natural ways to increment testosterone, it can help to know that several herbs and other institute-based foods may be able to naturally decrease T levels in women:

  • Licorice – The root of a legume constitute native to the Center E (and nearby regions like southern Europe), licorice may lower testosterone levels when taken daily.
  • Green tea – Aside from being an accommodating delicious tea, green tea may besides exist able to block testosterone from turning into a hormone called DHT – which is similar to testosterone but has much stronger furnishings on the body.
  • Spearmint – Frequently consumed in tea grade, spearmint may subtract levels of costless testosterone in the bloodstream. (Read more than: Know the difference betwixt gratis T and total T)

Also, keep in listen that if you're experiencing high testosterone, information technology's a good idea to talk with your healthcare provider to learn what their recommendation is.


If your hormone levels autumn outside a healthy, normal range, and so your wellness and well-beingness may exist at risk. That's certainly the case for ane'southward testosterone level: from weight gain and increased body pilus to menstrual cycle irregularities and lowered muscle mass, at that place are a number of symptoms that tin occur from an imbalance of testosterone.

In short, testosterone is an essential sexual practice hormone that plays important roles in a woman'south health. That's why it's a practiced idea to check your testosterone levels. The Everlywell Testosterone Test makes this piece of cake to do at home—giving you accurate information on a key office of your hormonal health, which yous tin can discuss with your healthcare provider. If you do accept an imbalance in testosterone hormone levels, your healthcare provider may recommend testosterone replacement therapy equally a possible treatment pick.

Unhealthy testosterone levels in men: some causes and symptoms

Why weight loss can heave your testosterone levels

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1. Glaser R, Dimitrakakis C. Testosterone therapy in women: myths and misconceptions. Maturitas. 2013;74(three):230–234. doi:x.1016/j.maturitas.2013.01.003

ii. Testosterone therapy in women: Does it heave sex bulldoze? Mayo Clinic. URL. Accessed March 12, 2020.

3. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. Mayo Dispensary Proceedings. URL. Published 2017. Accessed March 12, 2020.

four. Yasui T, Matsui Southward, Tani A, et al. Androgen in postmenopausal women. J Med Invest. 2012;59(1-2):12–27. doi:10.2152/jmi.59.12

5. Grant P, Ramasamy Due south. An update on plant derived anti-androgens. Int J Endocrinol Metab. 2012;10(2):497-502. doi:x.5812/ijem.3644


Source: https://www.everlywell.com/blog/testosterone/unhealthy-testosterone-levels-in-women-some-causes-and-symptoms/

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