We Made Paintball Cool Again Community


Let'southward burn down this mother down.

"Heed up, people! We got an inter-dimensional battle on our hands. The evil counterparts are waging a war. And it's either united states... or usa."


With Jeff having passed history and collected all his required credits, Annie and the Dean plan his graduation, but Jeff is hesitant to go out his friends behind to rejoin his old partner. As the study group plans a party, Jeff rolls a die to decide who has to get soda... which lands on its side, in the crevice between the tables. Abed stares in horror, but decides to milk shake off his sudden premonition. But Evil!Jeff had already teleported into the Dean'due south office, only to detect that his good self is lamer than always, and reluctant to go out Greendale. Together with Evil!Annie, they determine to destroy the written report grouping from within, forcing Jeff to graduate.

The Customs episode "Advanced Introduction to Certitude" provides examples of:

  • Aborted Arc / What Happened to the Mouse?: Whatever happened to Dean Spreck?
  • Affectionate Option Pocket: Evil!Annie nabs Jeff's phone while she hugs him.
  • All Merely a Dream: Nosotros learn at the end that the episode played out every bit a Battle in the Middle of the Mind in Jeff's mind.
  • Alternate Timelines: The Darkest Timeline'southward "Troy and Abed In The Forenoon!" takes a peek at i of the others during The Tag.
  • Ambiguous Disorder
  • Bogus Limbs:
    • Evil Annie brings Evil Jeff's prosthetic arm.
    • Evil Pierce has lost his right leg from the articulatio genus downwards, and uses a unicycle cycle and crutches to get around.
  • Backing into Danger: While stalking each other, Evil!Troy and Troy dorsum into each other, turn round and take aim.
  • Badass Baritone: Evil!Jeff has a hoarse Batman-like voice, likely due to smoke inhalation.
  • Badass Avowal:
    • Evil!Jeff when preparing for the Last Battle.

    "Allow'southward burn this mother down."

    • Before long after, Lame!Jeff has his own moment when loading his gun handed to him by Abed.

    "All right. Let's calorie-free up these night suckers."

  • Badass Coiffure: The evil study grouping. Only look at that page paradigm. Subverted, though, in that Shirley'due south besides boozer too aim properly, Britta and Pierce shoot themselves and Troy only wants his other cocky to think he's intimidating. And Abed has made his Heel–Face Turn.
  • Badass Longcoat: Evil!Troy and Evil!Jeff wear long leather ones.
    • Not-And so-Badass Longcoat: Evil Troy admits to his good counterpart that he's out of bullets and that he just wanted to seem intimidating.
  • Battle in the Center of the Mind: Everything mail die-roll is going on in Jeff's head as a representation of his conflicting feelings most graduating.
  • Bookends: Ends the fourth season as it began - with an episode that takes place heavily in the heed of a character worried nearly life after Greendale. Jeff and Abed's roles are even flipped, with one giving a Rousing Speech that takes identify in the other'south mind. On summit of that, the last line is "Troy and Abed in the morning!", a variant of which was used equally the beginning line of the season.
  • Bullet Time and Bullet Grab: Jeff vs. Jeff at the end.
  • Butt-Monkey: Pierce in the cold open.

    Troy: All for i, and one... dude we tin get out backside. Everybody get, quickly, go!

  • The Caligula: Chang is still emperor in the Darkest Timeline. The evil study group doesn't seem to mind.
  • Call-Back:
    • The concluding cases that Jeff tried involved sandwiches and yams.

    Jeff: Information technology'south official—it's on a imprint.

    • To "Remedial Anarchy Theory":
      • Abed hasn't brought upward the Darkest Timeline in months, and then Jeff tosses the die under the pretext of assigning graduation tasks.
    • Nosotros get to meet the timeline where Britta and Troy got a Human relationship Upgrade.
      • The Tag
    • Parallel Star-Burns posters: memorial picnic and blowout meth auction.
    • The Doppeldeaner and Emperor Chang appear.
    • Troy'southward proposed "Troy-january Horse" sandwich.
    • "Allow's burn this mother down!"
    • "We finally figured out how to brand paintball absurd again."
    • Abed points out that the vending machines but contain meat and eggs to indicate that everything is happening inside Jeff'south head — much like to how the vending machines just contained buttered noodles while inside the Dreamatorium.
    • Annie'due south book of wedding ceremony plans.
    • In the Darkest Timeline, The Cape found a second life on cablevision.
    • Jeff has a photo from the group's stint as the Glee guild in his locker.
    • Evil!Shirley would like to become some dairy-free mudslides, which are just vodka. This harkens back to Troy'south 21st altogether party where regular Shirley suggests the gang goes out and get some vodka-free mudslides, which are just milkshakes.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience / Evil Wears Black:
    • In the study room confrontation betwixt Good!Jeff and Evil!Jeff, Evil!Jeff is wearing a black shirt, and Good!Jeff wears white.
    • Evil Annie wears a black cardigan, Practiced Annie wears pink.
  • Counting Bullets: Troy vs. Troy
  • Cower Power: The group is hiding in a line behind Britta at the cafeteria.
  • Night Is Evil: All evil timeline selves are wearing black leather.
    • Dark Is Not Evil: Darkest Timeline Abed wears black and has a goatee, just underwent a Heel–Face up Plow, and the same is implied for Evil Troy. And Evil Pierce is just Pierce in dark clothes.
  • Nighttime World: The Darkest Timeline. Chang withal rules the school with an atomic number 26 fist via the Doppledeaner... but hey, at least The Greatcoat establish a new life on cablevision!
  • Divide and Conquer: Evil!Jeff's impersonates Jeff and start causing a feud amongst the group members.
  • Distracted by the Sexy:
    • Jeff makes a speech to Evil!Annie when the report group runs belatedly because anybody'south behaving weirdly... simply to trail off when Annie takes off her coat.
    • Whilst facing off with Evil Annie, Annie becomes momentarily distracted from the actual issue at hand when Evil Annie mentions that she's sleeping with Jeff in the the Darkest Timeline.
  • Does This Remind You of Annihilation?: The graduation ritual plays out like a wedding.
  • Dynamic Graphic symbol: Jeff, over the course of iv seasons

    Abed: You're afraid to graduate because y'all think Greendale has changed you likewise much. And then part of you wants Evil!Jeff to win, because then yous could go backwards and pretend you're the same guy you were four years agone. But you lot're not. You're stronger. Y'all're ameliorate. You have friends. No — screw that — y'all accept a family unit.

  • Finish of an Historic period: This is the concluding episode in which the main characters are students at Greendale and the terminal time the core cast is complete. By Season 5, Jeff returns simply as a professor, while Pierce suffers a Bus Crash, Troy leaves Greendale to fulfill his task in inheriting his bequeathment from Pierce, and Shirley is gone past the time Season half dozen rolls effectually (although she does make the odd cameo there).
  • Entendre Failure: Annie totally fails to get Evil!Jeff is coming on to her.

    Jeff: Well, yous are making me feel something.

    Annie: *blank look*

    Jeff: And it'southward not nearly graduating.

    Annie: *some other bare look*

    Jeff: I'm maxim I'thou hot for you!

  • Evil Me Scares Me: Played direct with Annie and Jeff. Britta jumps in to defend herself ("Don't talk to her like that!"), Troy is still a fleck of a softie even when evil, Shirley sees her boozer self with a mix of antipathy and compassion, Evil!Pierce is just Pierce without a leg, while Evil!Abed had undergone a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Failed a Spot Bank check: The Dean is too busy singing to himself while making a collage of Jeff to notice Evil!Jeff teleporting into the office behind him.
  • Failed Attempt at Drama:

    Troy: Is it yous?

    Evil!Troy: ...yes.

    Troy: Why would you tell me that?

    Evil!Troy: To sound intimidating.

  • Faking the Dead: Evil!Pierce.
  • Femme Fatale: Evil!Annie is trying to seduce and dispense Lame!Jeff.
  • Foreshadowing: Jeff mentions when asked that his major is in education. He returns to Greendale in the next flavor as a professor.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus:
    • Another message about the hiatus and thanking the fans on the whiteboard.
    • GCC #411 and SIX SEASONS AND A MOVIE on the blackboard.
  • Get a Agree of Yourself, Homo!: Inverted. Jeff realises later on Abed's Rousing Oral communication that if this is all in his caput, he doesn't have to do anything.

    "Don't logic this ane away from me. We finally figure out how make paintball cool over again."

  • Heads, Tails, Edge: The dice lands in the gap between the two tables.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Evil Abed (he's just Abed now).
  • Held Gaze: Lame! Jeff and Evil! Annie, when they beginning meet up in the study room (afterward she reveals her cerise clothes)
  • Hell-Bent for Leather: The evil study group.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Evil!Shirley is as well boozer to aim.

    Good!Shirley: Become help. [Shoots herself]

  • It'south All Nearly Me:
    • When Jeff says that he met 6 very important people when he came to Greendale, the Dean believes that he's included in the six at Britta's expense.
    • Pierce complains well-nigh the grouping leaving him out again as they decide the six of them will take Astronomy in the adjacent semester, and when it'southward pointed out that it's only six considering Jeff's going to accept graduated by and so, he complains that he'south no longer the one who gets left out anymore. And then barges in on Jeff's graduation to announce that he'due south graduating first.
    • Similarly, Evil Pierce complains about being left out of the Evil Study Group's invasion plans, just as Evil Annie points out, they thought he was dead for over a yr. Even when that'south pointed out, he however complains they left him out.
  • Killed Mid-Judgement: The doppel-Deaner. "Abed brought me here to prove to all of y'all that—"
  • Laborious Laziness: Shirley lampshades Jeff's trademark:

    "Congratulations, Jeffrey. You worked difficult non to work hard to earn that caste."

  • Allow's Get Dangerous!: When Abed comes back from the Darkest Timeline conveying space-warping paintball guns, the study grouping determine to go to town whupping ass. Good thing they had 3 (four including a Noodle Incident) previous paintball episodes to give them feel.
  • Mayhap Magic, Maybe Mundane: Even though the majority of the episode took place in Jeff'due south caput, y'all've got to wonder if he really did take some sort of ultra-realistic vision of a future timeline where he threw the die.
  • Mr. Exposition: Abed, in both timelines.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Jeff in underwear.
  • My Friends... and Zoidberg: "All correct, Mr. Winger, et al. Britta."
  • Naked on Arrival: Evil!Jeff appears in his underwear in the Dean's function. Dean doesn't even notice.
  • No I Gets Left Backside: "Not without my report group," says Jeff to Evil!Jeff equally he rips up his diploma.
  • No Range Like Point-Blank Range
  • Oh, Crap!: Abed's face when the die lands.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: Troy forgetting to bring the soda becomes a running gag for the group.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Parodied & subverted, when Evil Annie is telling Annie almost how she's sleeping with Evil Jeff in the Darkest Timeline.

    Annie: Nobody sleeps with Jeff. Not even me.

  • On Second Thought: Said by Jeff at the stop, coming out of his Battle in the Center of the Listen.

    "On second idea, who needs to roll a die? And who cares if we have soda?

  • Overused Running Gag: Abed proclaims that they finally managed to make paintball cool over again, as the final fourth dimension they take a paintball reference they agreed it was played out.
  • Paintball Episode: At present Darker and Edgier and with inter-dimensional paintball bullets.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Evil!Jeff'due south Evil Plan is to deliver these to all of Jeff'southward friends so he would feel driven to get his law firm job back.
  • Rousing Speech: Played with:
    • Abed disarming Jeff he's grown as a person and shouldn't go dorsum to his old law firm.
    • Subverted in that after his graduation ceremony, for once Jeff doesn't know what to say.
  • Season Finale: The fourth one.
  • Sequel Hook:
    • The Study Group determine to study Astronomy adjacent semester.
    • Jeff off-handedly mentions that he wound up majoring in education.
  • Series Fauxnale: This episode was written with the show'due south uncertain cancellation in mind to give the fans a satisfying closure. And then the series got renewed for season 5.
  • Transport Tease:
    • A boatload to Annie/Jeff. Since all the Darkest Timeline stuff is in Jeff'southward caput, Evil!Jeff/Evil!Annie is a huge tease, every bit is Evil!Annie trying to seduce Jeff. Even discounting the dream, Annie is way too prepared to throw a wedding ceremony for Jeff, and at the terminate, when he says he loves all the members of the written report group, he locks eyes with Annie and gives her a nod.
    • Jeff/Britta and Jeff/Abed: Jeff mentions the study group fighting over who misses him the most, Britta and Abed both signal to themselves.
    • Troy/Britta in timeline 5 in The Tag. They're a couple with a baby.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Tango & Cash
    • Terminator
    • Flavor 3 of The Greatcoat.
    • The Matrix
    • Star Wars
    • Superman III
    • The Graduate
    • All of a sudden noticing background details are weird to tip off that the darkest timeline is inside Jeff's caput seems to be 1 to Inception.
    • Abed's Rousing Spoken language is a parody of the kind given by Tommy Lee Jones in The Fugitive and the Men in Black series.
    • Evil Abed's reformation afterward meeting his skillful self is a reference to Mirror Spock's similar reformation in the Star Expedition episode Mirror Mirror.
  • Silence, You Fool!: Evil!Jeff to Abed when Abed calls him on beingness Evil.
  • Sniff Sniff Nom: Chang tastes the blue goo that the paintball warping gun hits him with.
  • Speak Now or Forever Concord Your Pierce: At a graduation ceremony.
  • Surprise Party: Annie is totally unprepared to deal with Jeff graduating early — and so Surprise! Information technology's on a banner.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: Annie and the Dean are planning a graduation, not a wedding ceremony.
  • Taking the Bullet: Chang takes a bullet for Jeff while he screams "FRIENDSHIIIIIP!!"
  • They Did: Troy and Britta in the timeline Pierce got the pizza. They even have a infant named Chewbacca (they both wanted to use an ethnic proper name).
  • Time Skip: Lampshaded; it's been several months since the events of the previous episode.
  • Unholy Matrimony: Evil Jeff and Evil Annie.
  • Unusual Pop Civilisation Name: An alternate universe version of Troy and Britta have had a child together named Chewbacca (ie. the Wookie from Star Wars). Troy apparently convinced Britta that it was a traditional African proper noun.
  • Vile Villain, Laughable Lackey: Evil Jeff and Evil Annie are treated as serious villains, while the rest of the evil study group are incompetent.
  • Villains Out Shopping: Evil Troy and Evil Abed do "Troy and Abed in the Morning!" during The Tag, with Chang and the other Alternate Timelines every bit guests. Evil Jeff yells at them to stop goofing effectually.
  • Your Makeup Is Running: The Dean every bit he comes to Jeff in a wedding dress, distraught at whatever Evil!Jeff said to him.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/CommunityS4E13AdvancedIntroductionToFinality

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